(To J)
don’t believe in them.
The coincidences,
Involving me and my likes all the time,
For me it’s just a drama
So well-staged and performed
Woe to a man
Who steals from his own pocket
Would you leave after him
A food store to keep?
To feed the children?
Will you give him your car keys
To drive you home?
Two of them
Called the most respected men
One I met at the guest house
With a young lady
More or less like his own daughter age wise
He told me
They were marking exams
The other sent a student to prison
That he could have his girl friend
And staged such a drama
The lady about to commit suicide
For the imprisoned boys love
And they were fiancées
Because one day he came back from a journey
They headed to the guest house
Having registered
And rested for a while
The boy went to the bathroom
There he saw her fiancée underpants
And asked her how come
What is it doing here?
Were you here before?
The boy rose up to go
At the same time never to know
That yes she was there the day before
With the Doctor.
Who actually later became her husband
God bless the Children.
For sure;
The bedroom
Produces no the prodigals
Those were angels
When I look at this wound
I remember you
The way you stroked me
For telling you the truth
I was only trying to warn you
of the dangers ahead
Then you turned and stroked me
And them
As if
they not born of a woman
They buried her without a shroud
A grave less than six feet
purported to be a witch
But the little boy and girl
Shed their tears
Cause they will miss her evening story times
Of the jungle and heroes
Pride of the lion
And cunning of the hare.
I have wondered to a lot of places in this
Yet never could break the circle
You and
Mum circled me in
I have rebelled and done
Things you never did
Not even dreamt of
Still your words rings louder however
Now its not me whenever
That was your love and guidance
Following me wherever
From the cradle
To my grave
( To C )
Looking back
What a distance we have covered today!
Far away from each other
To me it’s a high time
We resolve this matter
Settle this account
Un ravel the dispute
Once and for all
This love of ours
Shall indeed stay strong
( To Colombo )*
Like a view through the screen
And sparks
The light with effects
Light and shadows
Am I trapped behind the shadows?
Or are you?
Or are we trapping each other?
Why do we try to escape from each other?
Should it be easy to find the way out?
Not even if we reverse the action,
Still locked with each other
Like a film making its own reality
Back away
You lose light
And without light
You die
Living the world with your own reality
In other world
Other reality
And you have lost your substance
Just a shadow in the screen
An illusion without reality
Between what is real and what isn’t
Trick with smoke and mirrors
Which are very real?
Clouds of atomic particles
Fly through the empty space
And you call that a reality?
Yes as real as yours.
Right, now you understand
There is a substance and the shadow
One can be created
be destroyed
By a word;
Just a simple word
* My favorite Detective in a TV
Series under the same name, I made this poem out of the dialogue in the film.
I can imagine
As a Youngman
All he went through
Perceiving people’s lives, seeing them through
Telling what is in store
For them and himself
All so true
No wonder they must have called him
A magician
False prophet
Just all the names
People don’t want to be told the truth
And so if you do
You reap
hatred and misery
(On my Grave)
There will be not a towering monument or
A bust with my head
But in unknown piece of land
Probably the un marked grave
In this life I wouldn’t have come
But after negotiation
Thus in death I know where I am going
As per the agreement
And yes I believe in creation
You can spit on my Grave now
But I did what I could
Given the circumstances
You would have done better the same
Or even less
You can spare your suggestions for your own
This is mine
Your Holy name be praised
They lost everything
To see other saved
In their private prison
Unable to see family and friends
Reading death notes
And all other threats
In discriminated
And racially abused
Ooh what color is this!
It must be,
There is no any respect!
Whatever you may call it
It never existed.
Unless exerted upon one,
One own self only
Then to the rest no alternative,
Respect thyself.
Poetry..heheh...they say God was the first poet, but when he did his poetry it became creation, then he discovered the fact he was God, after which he followed all those self acclaimed false gods, and challenged them to establish Himself as the Supreme...never mind just another African wisdom story, surrounding the fire logs in the night with The grand Papa.., Ngome Ikoma